A New Level of Personalized Language Learning: Introducing the Needs Analysis

employee working on laptop

Voxy’s Needs Analysis brings personalized learning to every learner and paints a clearer picture of a user’s current English language proficiency and goals by drawing upon machine learning to provide targeted recommendations from over 20,000+ pieces of instructional content and live instruction.

What is Authentic Content?

woman in front of laptop on wooden table

Language learning works best when learners practice with materials that are interesting to them and relevant to their goals. That’s why Voxy’s patented technology takes authentic pieces of media (articles, video transcripts, images, tweets, etc.) and turns them into English lessons quickly.

The Benefits of Live Instruction

Video conferencing software has made enormous strides in the last few years, and most people probably have encountered multiple applications that can easily facilitate virtual, face-to-face conversations with friends, family, and colleagues from phones or computers.  In the “olden days”–that is, even just three or four years ago–tools like Skype or Google Hangouts would crash, …

Why Don’t We Know How Long It Takes To Learn?

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In general, there is evidence that technology can provide educational opportunities to people who would otherwise not have them, which is going to have an enormous impact on the lives of millions.  However, the online courses we offer still tend to be replicas of their face-to-face counterparts, and we are not nearly as innovative or disruptive as we could be when it comes to instructional design.  Perhaps part of the problem is that we are not harnessing the power that technology-driven instruction can bring to learning science.

Leveraging the Benefits of Online Learning: Unveiling the Command Center

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We are excited to report that Voxy has recently released a user-friendly administrative and reporting dashboard—the Command Center—that lets our clients easily and quickly generate, sort, filter, and analyze the data produced by their students. Learn how this tool offers insight into what learners are doing to improve both immediate outcomes and future decisions and how it helps harness the potential of technology to change the way we think about language learning.

It’s Time for Language Learning to Embrace Individualized Instruction

students in college lecture hall

We know from copious amounts of research that instruction works best when it is personal. Yet daunted at the prospect of sorting this out, many language programs revert to the outdated approach of just assigning everyone the same thing. However, maybe incorporating individualized instruction into a group curriculum isn’t as hard as it might seem.

For HR Departments, Blended Learning Is the Best Bet for English Learning Initiatives

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Are you searching for the best way to provide English instruction to employees? If so, then you’re probably considering two options: self-study online courses or teacher-led live classes. But did you consider a mixture of both?

By the numbers: Meeting global demand for a growing maritime industry

Global demand for maritime workers has grown by 45% since 2005. And with increasing demand, HR professionals are facing greater hiring challenges, especially when onboard communication is of critical importance. Forty percent of all ship accidents are caused by communication factors, which means the need for English proficiency among crews has never been more important. …

10 hospitality workforce trends you can’t afford to ignore

Did you know that even though 97% of global hospitality employees report that English skills are required or important for their jobs, only 7% say their current English level is sufficient to do their jobs? We’ve been keeping a close watch on workforce trends and compiled a list of 10 stats for hospitality HR and …

What makes learning English so hard? Voxy’s patent portfolio has the answer.

Learning a new language is one of the biggest challenges a person can face, but what exactly makes it so hard and what can we do to help? Voxy recently received a third patent for our unique technology that allows us to analyze a text—like a news article, for example—and assign it to an English …