English for 21st-Century Careers

To be a successful marketer, it’s critical to stay on top of the industry terms and tactics that are constantly changing in today’s digital landscape. Take mobile marketing, for example: More than $100 billion was spent on mobile advertising last year, accounting for more than 50% of all digital ad expenditure globally. That’s a nearly …

3 Reasons Why English Training Needs to be One of Your Company’s Office Perks

2017 is the year of the job seeker. According to trusted sources like Fortune and Indeed, the global economy is gradually recovering from the Great Recession and more employers are looking to hire—but there’s a smaller pool of talented candidates to choose from than in previous years. This is great news for job seekers hoping …

The Future of English Language Learning is Mobile

It’s been estimated that more than 2.3 billion people will be smartphone users in 2017—an almost 150% increase in just three years and climbing. And for the first time in history, more people are accessing the internet using a mobile device than a desktop computer. These numbers are staggering and the shift to mobile is …

When Stakes are High: English for Healthcare Professionals

Imagine you’re an emergency room nurse, managing multiple life-threatening injuries in a hectic environment, rushing alongside dozens of other medical professionals to get a patient in critical condition the treatment he needs to survive. Now imagine having to do all that in a language you’re not comfortable speaking. When you need to learn English for …

Voxy Learners Share Proof of Their Success in New Research Study

The Voxy Education team will travel to Barcelona next week for TBLT 2017, an international conference on Task-Based Language Teaching. So today we’re sharing a sneak peek of the new research the team will be presenting! TBLT is a proven approach to teaching second languages and it forms the foundation of Voxy’s methodology. TBLT tells …

Inglés de Negocios para Equipos de Trabajo Internacionales

La economía global está cambiando constantemente. Esto significa que la forma de comunicación en el lugar de trabajo también está cambiando. La internacionalización de los equipos y de las empresas es cada vez mayor y, ahora más que nunca, necesitamos del inglés como lengua franca para fomentar la colaboración y la comunicación en el ámbito …

How Voxy Works: 4 Ways We Track Results

How do we know that Voxy works? We track language learning outcomes more comprehensively than any of our competitors, using a set of metrics that nobody else does. Check out four key metrics below that show Voxy results in higher engagement, proven learning outcomes and happy customers. 1. TIME ON TASK Learners use Voxy for longer than other, …

New Data Shows 77% of Beginners Can Improve Their English Proficiency with Voxy

We know that new English learners can use Voxy to improve their proficiency level in a matter of a few months. But how much time do learners really need to devote to their English course each week to see results? According to our recent data, 77% of 0-Beginners—or learners who have have had little or …