[Webinar] Como construir um programa de treinamento de idiomas eficaz no ambiente de trabalho—É mais fácil do que você imagina!

workplace effectiveness webinar title slide

Neste webinar, a Dra. Katharine Nielson – Diretora de Educação na Voxy – discute as melhores práticas para implementar um programa corporativo de treinamento de idiomas.

High-Stakes Testing: Necessary but Not Sufficient

Standardized tests have been both vilified and venerated, and despite their well-documented shortcomings, they are widely used in many high-stakes circumstances. But with the introduction of other measures of proficiency, performance, and assessment, we gain a far more robust picture of a learner’s capabilities.

For HR Departments, Blended Learning Is the Best Bet for English Learning Initiatives

Are you searching for the best way to provide English instruction to employees? If so, then you’re probably considering two options: self-study online courses or teacher-led live classes. But did you consider a mixture of both?

Por que conteúdo autêntico é importante

man ordering at coffee shop

Authentic content gives learners exposure to the kind of language that they ultimately want to understand and create for themselves. If you don’t use authentic content, and teach learners with scripted dialogs or simplified materials written by language teachers, you’re not giving them models for how to produce or understand the language they’ll encounter in the wild. Not only is this ineffective, it’s also inefficient.

Five English Lesson Ideas Based on Authentic, Real-World Content

We know that using authentic content is important in English language instruction, and there are dozens of ways to do it, from having students write Yelp reviews to watching YouTube videos. However, the bigger question is how to use authentic content in a way that is needs-based, personalized, and relevant.

Eliminating the Foreign Language Requirement

In the U.S., we force students to sit through mind-numbing grammar lessons and stilted dialogues, leaving them unable to order coffee at a French bistro. But that doesn’t mean we should eliminate language instruction. It’s incredibly important for everyone to speak more than one language in today’s interconnected world.

Implementing Technology Programs in Workforce Language Training [Webinar]

Workforce development is the ideal place to implement a task-based language training program as learners have clear, real-world goals and because language instruction can be incorporated into training for other skills. In this post, an in-depth webinar on developing a strategy, designing effective language instruction, and measuring learner and course outcomes.

Aprendizagem Personalizada e “Big Data”

Let’s talk about offering personalized instruction in a classroom environment. At first glance, the two topics seem at odds. How on earth do you teach a class of people while they all do different, personalized tasks?

Building an Effective Workplace English Program—It’s Easier Than You Think!

Learning and development is only one of the many competing priorities that Human Resources (HR) managers face. Fortunately, though, there are some easy-to-follow guidelines that can help HR professionals assess the quality of their current English training programs and, if necessary, bring in more effective, efficient, and innovative tools to help their employees develop their language skills.

Em quanto tempo se aprende um idioma?

Por Dra. Katharine B. Nielson – Uma das perguntas que eu mais escuto é: quanto tempo demora para se aprender um novo idioma? E embora essa resposta nem sempre agrade a todos, sou obrigada a dizer que depende. Não existe uma resposta fácil para essa pergunta. O aprendizado de um novo idioma depende de muitos …